Saturday, August 1, 2009

BinTube Usenet Reader 2.6 - New Features

With version 2.6 of BinTube Usenet Reader, two of the most requested features have been fullfilled:

1/ The download queue is now saved. Do you have to close BinTube in the middle of a huge download? No problem. When you restart BinTube it will pick up right where it left off.

Automatic Extraction and Repair options2/ Automatic extraction and repair can now be turned off. If you don't care about streaming a certain download or you want to maximize CPU resources to play a game while BinTube does its thing in the background, this option is for you. It basically turns BinTube into a plain vanilla newsreader that just downloads your stuff.

Thanks to all for the great feedback and suggestions we've been getting every day.

Download the latest BinTube Usenet Reader


Blogger Unknown said...

im so glad it stores a cach of the downloads wont believe the number of times my pc has crashed and lost the entire que!

i think for future updates it would be good to able to
1) reorganise the que, what i mean is be able to set the que order yourself
2) put a slight delay from when bintube finds a nzb file in the specified folder for download. most the time the nzb file doesnt get a chance to download fully before bintube grabs it and as a results says there is a missing root element and i have to do the download again.

August 1, 2009 at 11:59 PM  
Anonymous emailandthings said...

Great features...

Thank you!

August 3, 2009 at 2:45 AM  
Anonymous New Duke said...

Excellent update and a great product, thank you.

Could I also request for the next release a 'Shutdown computer when downloads complete' option. Often I want to queue up downloads (and will turn off streaming/auto-play) so it would be helpful and energy saving to have my PC shutdown when the download queue has finished.

If there is a concern about users accidentally shutting down while streaming, then perhaps this could be a sub-command that can only be enabled if auto-play is disabled.

August 3, 2009 at 1:16 PM  
Blogger BinTube said...

Nitin, New Duke,

Thanks for the feedback. All of the features you requested will be in the next update.


August 3, 2009 at 1:25 PM  
Blogger yag said...

Hey it would be great if there was a timed pause feature for downloads or maybe a timed bandwidth limiter setting. This could help to browse the inernet without the slow down. Also maybe a minimize to tray feature. Thanks great program and excellent work.

August 9, 2009 at 7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a way to bring up the preferences for the media player? It doesn't share preferences from vlc player and I like to customize hotkeys.

August 11, 2009 at 3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggested Improvements:

1. Option to specify what folder files are extracted to, and option to not extract to group folder.
2. Option to reorganize que.
3. Option to expand entries in que so at one can see if files are missing from the .nzb
4. When expanding a file in the que it should show what is downloaded and what is not and if the file is complete or not.
5. Potential Bug: After the reader shut down improperly every time I run it after it consumes 100% cpu.

August 26, 2009 at 5:16 AM  
Blogger tdbgamerr said...

Dude Bintube is freakin incredible. Its the cheapest, has 540 day retension, ssl encription, 20 connections. and its 10$?!?!?! whereas the giganews best plan is like 30$ i think.

February 9, 2010 at 9:22 PM  

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